Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jan 30th

Cant you tell he is a natural model! He loves his picture taken! As for eating baby food...hes catching on really quick! Hes not quite sure how to swallow it but he loves the taste. This lil guy is going to be walking before ya know it......

Jan 29th

I could not be happier that my nephew is getting bigger everyday. Everytime I see him he looks so different and amazes me with how advanced he is! He is only 3 months old and already holding his head up and eating baby food! We finally put him in his exer-saucer and he loved it!!!!! I just love this lil guy!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jan 28th

So I had some down time today and saw a basket of fruit on the table. I started playing with them by stacking and arranging them in different ways. Then I used the app on my phone to change the filters and contrast. They turned out pretty good!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jan 27th

I love pianos...I can play a little but wish I knew more! The house I am temping for has a beautiful black grand piano. I decided to take some pictures of different angles. This is the result........

Jan 26th

There is something about the terible 2s....they are horrible and great all at the same time! So between the screaming tantrums and adorable hugs I was able to catch a cute moment. Bri was just standing there and I told her I wanted to take a picture...she rolled up her pants and stuck out her feet! Shes a natural...

Jan 25th

I love the month of January...mainly because all month long we celebrate my moms birthday and mine! So I came home yesterday and there was a brand spankin new iPhone 4 waiting for me! Im not ready for an upgrade until next month but ofcourse my dad got them to reconsider! Hes good at that.....Thanks to the best parents ever!!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jan 24th

So i dont really like cause im allergic and two cause i got mauled by one when I was little. BUT this cat is growing on he doesnt make my eyes well up and my throat close. We will see how long this friendship lasts.....

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jan 23rd

I enjoy the snow...the cold...and pretty much eveything about winter! So when we decided to go to The Meadows in Lake St. Louis today I was up for it. Its an outdoor mall with quite a few shops and a resturant called Max & Ermas. They had a great lunch menu with an option of cookies or ice cream bar for dessert. They chose ice cream! Fun times :)

Jan 22nd


Jan 21st

Ok so im a little behind on posting but its been a busy weekend. This picture was taken friday night....when a bird almost attacked Lindsey. Apparently our garage is a warm place for the little birdies....well sadly one didnt make it out and got stuck in the garage door. So as he was squaking at Lindsey I took a broom and freed him. Guess he told his little friends because the next day I opened the door to find 3 more birds nesting in the garage! Guess we are going to have to do some spring cleaning!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Jan 20th

Waking up to a fresh blanket of snow is great! I guess its because I love snow so much. It was nice to look out the back door and see tons of birds. As long as we have had the bird feeders I have never seen that many birds. So second nature to me I picked up my camera and started shooting. Here is a few types of birds that we have not including the beautiful woodpeckers and hummingbirds that were flying around earlier!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jan 19th

For the last few months I have been looking for a crown in a royal crown. I have looked on the internet and in every store you could think of. Well today as my mom and I were shopping I found it! I found it in the lest likely place and a store i never shop in...Claires. But who cares I found it :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jan 18th

Today I had a second interview with a potential family.....Overall it went great! I know this because after meeting the little girls for only a half hour they returned from school with pretty artwork for me.....Precious!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Jan 17th

I love Italian food....and I love going out to dinner!!! Tonight I decided to use my giftcard that I got for Christmas. I took my dinner buddies (Lisa and Mandy) to Maggianos. They had never been and I have been a few times. I told them all about the two meals for $12.95 and they didnt believe me until the menu came! Over all it was a great meal!!! Then the dessert menu came....we had to try a sample! The offer bite size (wich is huge) of a few of their desserts. This is the Teramisu and let me tell you it was FAB!!!!!!!! Love that place....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jan 16th

Since I took some pictures of my pup Seeley I only felt it was fair that my other one got some too. So this is Boothe...a little overweight and very lazy! But overall hes a good dog. Oh and did I mention hes adorable!

Jan 15th

So normally I cant stand oatmeal...any kind! I was out and about and decided why not give the McDonalds oatmeal a try. Well it ended up being really really good. Surprising I know....i was scared to try it but in the end I am a fan!! Something a little healthier at McDonalds im all for it :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Jan 14th

Photoshop is a very unique and at times difficult program to understand.I am learning more and more everyday about the program. I enjoy using it to change the hue/saturation or the lighting. Also to change the picture to black and white or sepia. I sometimes just take pictures of random things just to mess around with the picture! That is what I did today....just picked up my camera and took random pictures. This is the result....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jan 13th

When you think of rainbows you think of rain and springtime...not winter! As I was on my way to the doctor this morning I looked up in the sky and found a small rainbow. It was weird and took me a while to figure it out but it kept getting brighter. It was very pretty and just made my day better! (cant really see it but its in the middle...also taken with my phone through a car window)

Jan 12th

I love winter (most people dont), but to me its awesome! I really love when it snows. I find the snow very pretty and just makes everything else look better! So when I see fresh untouched snow it makes me want to pick up camera. So I did.....this is untouched snow on a football field. This is the Bishop Dubourg's football field that any other day would be filled with high schoolers and track runners. So pretty!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jan 11th

Today was cold and snowy! I ended up helping out my cousins today and watched their little boy Ryan! He is a bundle of jot that one. Kept me on my feet all day but in enjoyed spending time with him. Great thing is I get to do it all over again tomorrow!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Jan 10th

Just playin around with my new app called hipstamatic...veeery cool!

Jan 9th

Off to the outlet mall!!!! We went to the outlet mall @ the Lake today......this is the end result! me = very happy

Jan 8th

I have always thought that having a touch therapy dog was a great idea. I wantedt o put my dog Kramer in the program but he was too old and passed away. So i thought it was funny when Candice told me her mo had thier dog Tucker in the program. But what was even funnier is what she showed me next.........Tucker has his own business card! How great is that....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Jan 7th

Lindzface and I decided to take a low key night and hit up Olive Garden for dinner. This picture is of the gross wine Lindz had for dinner. Yuck! Then we were off to see Country Strong and is possibly the best country movie ever!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jan 6th

So there is this lady that lives in west county that apparently doesnt care how she gets around. This picture should speak for itself....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Jan 5th

Today my mom and I decided to go to Main Street in St. Charles. We walked around and shopped a little and took pictures. I loved this picture of the American Flag! But then again I love taking pictures of the flag for some reason. I decided apon this one because the way the sun hit it made the reds and blues stand out...i love it!

Jan 4th

For my Birthday I decided I wanted to go to my favorite Mexican resturant. Chimichangas. It was a great time with great people! When it was time to sing me happy birthday I go a sombrero on my head and a waiter shoving fried ice cream in my face! All in all it was  GREAT day!!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Jan 3rd

I couldnt resist taking a picture of my pup Seeley...Hes just soooo darn cute!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Jan 2nd

Today we went on one of our picture taking took us to Robertsville MO. Somewhere I had never been to and it was so close. We went to take pictures of the tornado damage and I had no clue what it was going to look like. When we acutally saw the houses or what was left of them it was so sad. The town itself is only a few blocks wide but half the town is ruined. Here is the picture that made me was a church but now just a pile of rubble.....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Jan 1st

As I was thinking about doing this project I was trying to figure out what picture I was going to use. Since it was a holiday weekend my brother and his family were in town. It had been a long day and my brother and my nephew Parker were laying on the couch sleeping. It hit me that this was the perfect picture! It was quite possibly the most precious thing ever. So here it is.....